Эссе должно выражать их мнения и аргументы по заданной теме. Раздел Writing Essay предназначен для оценки способности кандидата писать на английском языке четко, хорошо структурировано и грамматически правильно. Эксперты также обращают внимание на связность и последовательность, что означает, что эссе должно иметь четкую структуру, где каждый абзац опирается на предыдущий.
Для подготовки к разделу Writing Essay кандидатам рекомендуется потренироваться в написании эссе на различные темы. Они также должны сосредоточиться на совершенствовании своего словарного запаса и грамматики, а также убедиться, что они понимают основную структуру эссе, включая введение, основные абзацы и заключение.
Во введении кандидаты должны изложить основную мысль своего эссе и дать краткий обзор своих аргументов. В основных абзацах должны быть приведены доказательства, подтверждающие основную мысль, и каждый абзац должен быть сосредоточен на одной главной идее. В заключении следует обобщить основные положения и высказать окончательное мнение по теме.
При написании эссе важно потратить достаточно времени на планирование и организацию идей, прежде чем приступать к написанию. Это поможет обеспечить четкую структуру эссе и связь всех идей. Кроме того, кандидатам следует избегать повторения одних и тех же слов и фраз и использовать разнообразную лексику для выражения своих идей.
Что касается рационального использования времени, кандидаты должны стремиться потратить примерно 20 минут на задание 1 и 40 минут на задание 2. Это даст им достаточно времени, чтобы прочитать задание, составить план и написать эссе, а также проверить наличие ошибок. Наконец, важно помнить, что раздел Writing Essay - это только одна часть экзамена IELTS, и кандидатам необходимо хорошо подготовиться ко всем четырем разделам, чтобы получить хороший общий балл. Однако при достаточной практике и подготовке кандидаты могут быть уверены, что они смогут хорошо справиться с разделом Writing Essay и получить желаемый балл.
В заключение следует отметить, что раздел Writing Essay экзамена IELTS является важной частью экзамена и предназначен для оценки способности кандидата писать на английском языке четко, хорошо структурировано и грамматически правильно. При достаточной практике и подготовке кандидаты могут улучшить свои навыки письма и получить желаемый балл на экзамене IELTS.
Many teachers follow the practice of giving students task for home often based on lessons taught in class . It is often believed that such a practice should be stopped as it reduces time spend on leisure activities or nonacademic pursuits.
Today people are surrounded by advertisements. This affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives.
Violence in the media promotes violence in society
Advertisement discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same.
Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this.
Violence in the media promote violence in society
Most people think that the truth should be objective rather than subjective when it comes to the news.
More and more newspapers and news channels are using photographs to support their news articles and stories. Some people think that photographs are not a reliable source of news while others consider photographs to be irrefutable.
The majority of news being reported is bad news such as wars, famines, accidents and crime.
In the last few decades there have been more and more cases of famous people being hounded by the press. Some people think that famous people in the media have no right privacy.
People in the lime light have a responsibility to set an example for others by their good behaviour.
Companies spend millions each year on Advertisement online, in magazines and on billboards. These adverts can encourage people to buy products that they do not really need.
Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of Advertisement and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold
Some people believe that what children watch on television influences their behaviour. Others say that amount of time spent watching television influences their behaviour.
One of the prime times for advertising on TV is when children get back from school. Some people think that advertisements aimed at children should not be allowed.
Nowadays celebrities earn more money than politicians
Many people buy products that they do not really need and replace old products with new ones unnecessarily.
Many people think that fast food companies should not be allowed to advertise while others believe that all companies should have the right to advertise.
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being over weight is increasing.
Some people believe that an armed police force would cause a high level of violence in society
In developed countries, many people are living alone or as a small family unit.
Some people believe that robots are very important for human future development. Others argue that the invention of robots has negative effects on society.
In the past, buildings ofien reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar.
Nowadays some individuals behave in an anti-society way, such as committing a crime. In general, it is the society to blame.
Many countries aim to improve their living standard by economic development, but some important social values are lost as a result.
In many countries women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because women are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring.
Most societies has its homeless people. Some people think that the best way to help them is to give them money.
More developing countries are given aid from international organisations to help them in their development plans. Some people argue that financial aid is important but others suggest that practical aid and advice are more important?
In many countries, people are moving away from rural areas and towards urban areas.
Every culture, throughout time, has recorded its history in one way or another.
The population of most cities is growing as people move to cities to find work and new opportunities.
In many cities there is a lack of space to develop and as a result, in order to modernise, old buildings are demolished and replaced with new buildings.
Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to help people achieve personal ambitions.
Throughout history, people have dreamed about perfect society, but they have not agreed what an ideal society is.
In many countries traditional food is being replaced by international fast food. This has adverse effects on families, individuals and the society.
Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of the society. Others, however, believe that schools are the best places to learn this.
Some people say that professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers who make a greater contribution to society should be paid more than sports athletes and entertainment stars.
Mobile phones have made life easier and anyone can use a mobile phone to answer or make work calls or home calls art any place 7 days a week.
I many countries, people are living in a throwaway society where things are used for a short period and throw away.
Caring for children is important in any society. All parents should be required to take childcare courses.
Some people think older employees are more useful to a company while some others believe younger employees are more useful in modern society.
It is sometimes thought that people who travel outside of their own country are more tolerant and understanding of others.
Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere.
Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.
Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time.
Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artists should have total freedom to express any thoughts and ideas.
Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funding from the government in order for them to continue with their work.
Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries, many small, local business are unable to compete. Some people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities.
Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products.
An increasing number of people are buying what they need online.
Marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business.
The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company.
Some companies have uniforms for their staff which must be worn at all times.
Some people think that the best way to run a business is within the family.
Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people who are innovative and able to work independently while others considered they should recruit people who are able to work in a team and follow instructions.
Some people think that the only way to have success in business is to have a unique product.
Small businesses should avoid recruiting young women who do not have their own family in order to avoid paying maternity leave later on.
Sales companies should recruit people who are hungry for money as they will make the most dedicated workers.
Some people believe that the higher a product is priced, the more likely it is that people will want to buy it.
Some people think that the only way to judge someone’s success in business is by the amount of money they make.
It is common practice for some students to take a gap year between high school and university in order to do charitable work abroad in underdeveloped countries.
Rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer.
Some people think that it is better for a country’s economy for people to spend money while others believe that it would be better for people to save money.
Discipline is an ever increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents.
Some people believe that children should not be given homework everyday, while others believe that they must get homework everyday in order to be successful at school.
Some children receive almost no encouragement from their parents regarding their performance at school, while other children receive too much pressure from their over enthusiastic parents which can have a negative impact on the child.
The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as information technology.
Some people think that teachers should be able to ask disruptive children to leave the class.
Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds. All levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, should be free.
The current trend in education is to move away from traditional exams and instead have continuous assessment over the school year.
Some people think that educated people are more valuable than people who have learned skills through experience.
Being able to speak a foreign language is an advantage these days. Some people think that children should start learning a foreign language at primary school, while others think children should begin in secondary school.
The gap between education in richer countries and education in poorer countries is a growing concern.
Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, while other schools have a very relaxed dress code.
In some high schools, part of the curriculum requires students to participate in community work such as helping the elderly or disabled.
The best way to help underachieving pupils is to have compulsory after school activities which they must attend. This way they will become more involved in school and their grades will improve.
Some people think that parents have the greatest influence on their child’s academic development, while others think that a child’s teacher has more influence.
In nearly all science courses at university, there are significantly more male students than female students.
Some people think that it is beneficial for old people to learn something new while others believe that once a person is past 65 years of age it is too late to learn.
Some employers want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays.
More and more people are moving away from an agricultural background to relocate to cities in order to look for work.
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important.
First impressions are important. Some people think that doing well in interviews is the key to securing a good job.
Finding job satisfaction is considered to be a luxury in many developing countries.
Many people find it hard to balance their work with other parts of their lives.
In many developing countries, there is an increasing movement of workers from rural areas into the cities.
In some developing countries, it is difficult to get good teachers to work in rural areas which can have a negative impact on the education of children in those rural communities.
Having a good university degree guarantees people a good job.
The number of people working online from home has grown in some countries.
Some people with a good education and experience in their field decide to move abroad to work.
Paying all workers the same salary in a company promotes harmony and respect amongst colleagues.
Getting promotion is one of the biggest drives for people to apply themselves and work hard in the modern work place.
Some people think that employers should ensure a supportive and pleasant work environment where each employee is respected and valued equally while others think employers should focus instead on providing better facilities and equipment.
Some people think that people should choose their job based on income in order to provide security for their family.
In some cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem.
Some people think that in order to solve traffic and transportation problems people should be encouraged to live in cities rather than in suburbs or in the countryside.
The impact that the growing demand for more flights has had on the environment is a major concern for many countries. Some people believe that one way to limit the number of people travelling by air is to increase tax on flights.
Some people think that it should be compulsory for people to retake their driving test every 5 years.
Some people think an international car-free day is an effective way to reduce air pollution. Others think there are more effective ways do to this.
One way to solve the problem of congestion on the roads is to increase the tax on private vehicles.
Some people think that in order to deal with the problem of congestion in cities, privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers, while others consider this to be an unrealistic solution.
A poor infrastructure hinders under-developed countries from progressing and modernising. Some people think that this should be the first problem tackled by foreign aid.
One way to solve the problem of congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run overhead rather than on or under the ground.
The trend of increasing tourism causes environmental problems in many parts of the world
Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their countries
Tourism today creates a variety of problems, such as pollution due to flights, traffic congestion and water pollution
Nowadays tourism often leads to environmental destruction.
Tourism has become one of the leading sources of revenue in many countries
A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a spurce of problems if it is not well-managed
Tourism is encouraged in many countries
Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry worldwide. Unfortunately, sometimes it creates tension between people from different cultures, instead of better understanding.
Some people believe that international tourism has brought enormous benefit to some places. Others argue that there is concern about its negative impact on local inhabitants and environment.
Tourism has increased so much over the last 50years that it is having a mainly negative impact on local inhabitants and the environment. However, others claim that it is good for the economy.
Tourism has increased so much over the last 50 years that it is having a mainly nagetive impact on local inhabitants and the environment, others claim that it is good for the economy.
Many places in the world depend on tourism as their main source of revenue. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if not properly managed.
Tourism generates revenue therefore it should be promoted discuss the statement and give solutions for its importance is the motion.
Many country encourage tourism.
As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling, there is an growing demand for more flights.
Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas whereas others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits.
As a result of tourism, many historical buildings and sites are being damaged beyond repair.
Some people think that when a person travels into a different culture they should adapt to the local practices and customs.
The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally.
Do you think that technological advancement has brought more harm than good?
What technologies did you use to help you in your studies?
With the latest technological advancements, dating is now possible online.
All inventions and discoveries like the discovery of fire and electricity have impacts on our lives so much so that people can no longer live without them.
The internet has a bigger impact on people’s lives because it is more popular than television.
Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on it?
The internet and technology, like mobile phones and laptops, are connecting us to each other every hour of the day via networking sites and applications.
Some companies spend a lot of money on scientific research and use animals for testing. Many argue that this is for a just cause while others say otherwise.
Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines.
Some people argue that technological inventions, such as mobile phones, are making people socially less interactive.
Modern technology is now very common in most work places.
Some people think that the range of technology currently available is increasing the gap between rich people and poor people. Others think that it is causing the opposite effect.
New household appliances have resulted in more free time for women and has enabled them to both work and run a home with dependent children.
With the development of technology children are now living in a world that is completely different to what it was 50 years ago.
An increasing number of people are now using the internet to meet new people and socialise. Some people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more isolated.
More and more children as accessing the internet unsupervised and at a younger age. This can sometimes put children at risk.
Nowadays children watch a lot of TV and play video games. However, some people think that these activities are not good for a child’s mental health.
It is common nowadays for each member of the family to have their own piece of modern technology. Some people think this will lead to a break down in family relationships and communication.
Many famous players advertise sports products.
Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students’ future career success. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important.
It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.
Sports on live affects people's participation in real sports.
Some people say that the best way to improve health is by increasing the number of sports facilities.Others,However,say that this woud have little effect on public health and that other measure are required.
In order to be successful in sports, some people think you have to be physically strong. Others say that mental strength is more important.
Some people think that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve public health, but others believe that it has little effects and we need other measures to improve it.
It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports or musician.
TASK-2 Being a celebrity-such as a famous film star or sports personality-brings problems as well as benefits.
Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while other thinks that it is essential for the human kind to continue to explore the universe in which we live.
Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live.
Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health.
Nowadays, some buildings such as offices and schools have open-space design instead of separate rooms.
Some people feel that the cost of space exploration is far too high for the benefits it brings while others argue that we space programs should continue no matter what the cost.
In many places,new home are needed,but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there.
Government nowadays think about space science and technology in our country spend funds for other new research so that other thing it's worng and some people think that it's right.