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Тест #2 на тему since, for в английском языке


Добро пожаловать на Тест #2 по английскому языку, посвященный предлогам 'since' и 'for'. Эти предлоги часто вызывают путаницу у изучающих английский, но они играют ключевую роль в выражении временных рамок. Наш тест предоставит вам практические задания для проверки ваших знаний и поможет устранить любые затруднения, связанные с этой темой. Приглашаем начать тестирование и улучшить свои навыки в английском языке!

My Journey in Learning English

I've been passionate about languages as long as I can remember. Specifically, I've been in love with the English language I was a child. I picked up my first English book when I was seven, and that moment, I knew this language would play a big part in my life. the first two years, I learned English mostly from cartoon shows and comic books. Every morning, about an hour before school, I would sit in front of the television, eagerly absorbing every word and phrase I could catch. I've been doing this routine what feels like forever, but in reality, it was only a couple of years.

When I turned ten, my parents enrolled me in an English language school. I studied there five years. In that time, I made significant progress, especially in my writing and speaking abilities. joining the school, I've had the opportunity to converse with native speakers, which immensely improved my pronunciation and fluency.

During high school, three consecutive summers, I attended English camps abroad. These experiences were invaluable. I've been grateful them every day since. Immersing myself in an English-speaking environment, even if just a few weeks at a time, made a huge difference in my language skills.

After high school, I decided to major in English at university. four intense years, I delved deeper into the intricacies of the language, studying its history, phonetics, and literature. graduating, I've been teaching English to students of all ages.

To this day, I still practice English daily. at least an hour each day, I read, write, or watch something in English to keep my skills sharp. becoming a teacher, I've realized the importance of continuous learning and practice.


